When you and your spouse marry, you may intertwine your lives, from sharing a last name to sharing a bank account. While this can make things simpler, when you go through a divorce and have become financially dependent on your spouse, you may worry about the future. One primary concern many have regards alimony. Unfortunately, there is a common misconception that in New Jersey, spouses can receive permanent alimony from their spouses. The following blog explores the reality of these matters and explains why you should connect with a Somerset County alimony attorney if you are going through a divorce.
How Long Does Alimony Typically Last?
In New Jersey, alimony typically does not last longer than the length of the marriage. As such, if you and your spouse were only married for five years, alimony typically does not exceed five years.
To determine whether or not to grant alimony in a divorce case, the courts will consider a number of factors. This includes the standard of living established during the marriage, the earning capacity of each party, and both spouses’ financial contributions to the marriage, among other considerations.
Does New Jersey Offer Permanent Alimony?
In New Jersey, permanent alimony is an archaic term. When people think about permanent alimony, they are thinking about what New Jersey calls open durational alimony. Permanent alimony is a term that was changed in 2014 to more accurately reflect how alimony would operate in the state. Open durational alimony is a more accurate term, as this is not necessarily permanent but can be stopped in the future as the financial circumstances of the parties change. This is generally only an option for marriages that last longer than 20 years.
While most alimony agreements will not last longer than the length of the marriage, the state does acknowledge there are some exceptional circumstances in which alimony may last longer. Factors that could influence this include:
- The age of each spouse
- How financially dependent the recipient spouse is on the paying spouse
- The physical and mental health of each party
- If one spouse sacrificed a career to support the other
- Any additional factors deemed relevant
Should I Connect With a Somerset County Divorce Attorney?
If you are going through a divorce and want to seek alimony, it’s in your best interest to connect with an experienced attorney who can represent your rights during these matters. Unfortunately, many are unfamiliar with how much alimony they are entitled to following a divorce, which can lead them to less than they deserve. However, when you work with an experienced lawyer, you can rest assured that they will fight for the spousal support you deserve.
At the Siragusa Law Firm, our dedicated legal team will do everything possible to assist you through these matters. We know that divorce is a stressful time for both parties, which is why we are dedicated to fighting for the best possible outcome for you. Connect with our team today to learn how we can assist you during these matters.