Unfortunately for many, divorce can be an extremely challenging and contentious issue for many. However, once the dissolution of your marriage is finalized, you may understand that this complex process was for the best. As such, you can begin to reap the advantages of divorce. Though it may seem as though none exist, there are several benefits to this decision. Keep reading to learn more about why this is the best option for some, and discover how a Somerset County divorce attorney can assist you with any challenges you endure throughout this complex process.
What Are the Advantages of Divorce?
The most evident advantage of a divorce for many is that you are free from an unhappy marriage. Regardless of the reason you and your spouse divorced, you’ll find that this allows you the opportunity to start again. You no longer have to worry about remaining in an unhappy relationship, arguing, or stressing about making your spouse happy if they do not reciprocate. Instead, you can focus on doing the things that you love.
Though many assume their finances will take a hit during a divorce, this is not always the case. In fact, you can actually enjoy several benefits. For starters, you may find that you can access your retirement account without the penalties. If you have a qualified domestic relations order (QDRO), you can make a withdrawal or transfer for free, and you will not incur tax implications if you transfer the funds to another retirement account.
Finally, you may discover that you may receive tax benefits. If you and your spouse meet a certain threshold when filing joint taxes, you’ll find you incur a higher income tax than others who make the same income as you but who file separately. As such, you can save considerable money on your taxes each year.
How Can a New Jersey Attorney Help Me?
If you’re considering a divorce, it’s essential to enlist the assistance of an experienced attorney as soon as possible. While it may be in your best interest, filing a divorce on your own can have implications that impact the rest of your life.
As such, it’s in your best interest to let an experienced lawyer handle your case to ensure the process goes as smoothly as possible. Not only can they help ensure you receive the assets you are entitled to, but they can guarantee any agreements are fair and help in instances in which your spouse is acting unfairly.
When going through a divorce, doing what you can to ensure your transition into the new chapter of your life as smoothly as possible is essential. The legal team at the Siragusa Law Firm can help you through this process to help you reap the full advantages of your divorce. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you.