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How Can I Navigate a High-Conflict Divorce in Somerset County?

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While some people may be able to end their marriage on amicable terms, this is not the case for every couple. Unfortunately, some may find that divorce can bring out the worst in some, leading to conflict, arguments, and tension. If you are enduring a high-conflict divorce, understanding what you can do to make this process less stressful for yourself and your children is crucial. The following blog covers what you must know about navigating these situations and how a Somerset County divorce attorney can help if your spouse is causing issues.

What Is a High-Conflict Divorce?

A high-conflict divorce describes a situation in which one or both people in a couple argue and intentionally cause emotional stress to the other through negative actions and behaviors. This includes constant arguing, name-calling, demonizing each other, refusing to compromise or cooperate, and making threats.

It’s no secret that divorce can be a very stressful time as it is a substantial life change. However, when one or both people continually make minor issues into blow-out arguments, they are considered high-conflict people. Generally, they assume they are always right and have strict demands.

What Can I Do to Reduce Tensions?

If you are going through a divorce, understanding the steps you can take to reduce conflict between you and your spouse is crucial.

One of the most important things to do is to keep the details of your divorce private. Not only does this help avoid putting personal details out in the open, but if your spouse is volatile, they will likely see this as a personal attack, causing significant issues.

Next, if you and your spouse share children, it’s important to avoid speaking negatively about them in front of your children. Unfortunately, many parents become frustrated when their spouse causes an issue, which causes them to vent in front of their children. However, this places significant stress on the child, as they may feel guilty for wanting a relationship with their other parent. Similarly, it puts them at high risk for mental illnesses.

Finally, it’s essential to consider how you interact with your spouse during this process. It’s not uncommon for high-conflict spouses to constantly text or call their spouses just to instigate arguments. As such, refraining from interacting with unnecessary comments is crucial. When you must communicate keep contact brief and neutral.

How Can an Experienced Lawyer Assist Me?

If you are going through a high-conflict divorce, it’s imperative to contact an attorney as soon as possible. Unfortunately, those with a conflict-driven personality are not likely to compromise or concede. As such, having a skilled lawyer can help ensure you receive a fair and favorable outcome during your divorce.

If your spouse is constantly instigating arguments during your divorce proceedings, the dedicated team at the Siragusa Law Firm can assist. We understand how frustrating it can be to deal with a spouse who is constantly arguing. As such, we can handle the legal matters so you can focus on healing from this chapter of your life. Reach out today to learn how we can assist you with these challenging issues.

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